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A member registered Feb 15, 2019

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I just wanted you to know that my stupid head has been in a weird, uncomfy place for a while and this injection of pure sweetness was just what I needed to get me out of it for a while. Thankyou.

Man everyone is giving these really thoughtful suggestions and I just want to see the Cobalt's take down one of the big chonkers like Asterion or Themba shadow of the colossus style.  Those three are absolute menaces and I love them.

Also everyone seems to think that in a fight of Kota v Luke then Kota would win, which isn't necessarily wrong, but this is Luke, he is both A a horny bastard, and B scrappy as hell. He would love that XD

(2 edits)

Huh, you know I just assumed it had belonged to his bio-father the Cretan Bull. It was, eventually, sacrificed to Athena at Athens by having its throat slit, so it does tie in with the themes of Asterion being used by the gods for political ends, that which should have been Poseidon's going to Athena and her Athens.  But then again, why would the cow effigy trample it if it wasn't Asterion's? Though then again again, the valley seems hostile to anyone who isn't the master so that could simply be another misdirection.

As the title says, if I was to release a game onto, can I control which countries or geographic areas are allowed to access it?

I'm so happy to see more content coming soon and that this vn is getting the attention it deserves! It seems not long ago it was hard to even find it when I was searching by title but now its on the first page of lots of the lgbtq and romance tags, only within the vn category but still! Exciting! If I can make a suggestion, or really just share a hope, I'd really like to see some branching paths for Pedro and Oscars relationship. Not in this update obviously, but while the crush sideplot is cute, I found that I really enjoyed the more paternal tone the relationship took in the non-crush route and I really hope that there will be an option to expand upon that in future chapters. Pedro is trying so hard to break the cycle of abuse and be a better person than his father and I want to see that have its chance to really bloom now that he's finally found the validation and financial stability he needed and see Oscar gather his own hand picked family unit around himself and get that familial love he's needed for so long. I just want more found family in my Hotel damn it! Yes there's plenty in there already but come on, there's room for more!

I can forgive the bugs and staggered features, lord knows making a game like this is not easy and there's no way to please everyone with a huge kickstarter like this. But lord almighty how did the English voice acting get through beta testing? The levels are completely off! Most characters are way, way too quiet to hear at all in normal game play. The only way to hear some of them at all is to mute all other sounds and jack my computers master volume all the way up, and that's with noise cancelling headphones on! Listening to Legna and Okans end scenes is pretty much impossible with the english voice acting because even at max volume they're barely audible, but then other characters in the scenes can be loud enough to cause me physical pain at times. Even when the differences in volume aren't as extreme the vast differences in sound quality makes it really hard to enjoy. Lenga, Okan, Hisami, Thara, and Tomoki's actors are all muffled and far away sounding in important pieces of dialogue, when you can hear them at all. The Japanese voice acting is fine, so far as the levels and overall consistency of quality goes, so I can only assume this must be down to how the english casting was outsourced? But surely even with English as a second language they could have noticed the problems with levels and sound quality and requested better reads. The problems are bad enough that the english dub is practically unplayable and that is simply not acceptable in a game of this budget.

Man, I was kinda afraid to go into this at first (furry is not my thing) but some other va writers I really liked linked over to your article, wich was interesting, then I read about your project and the premise got me curious enough to take a look. I'm glad I did. The writing is so strong and so different from most VAs, it has this limnal, eeiry feeling that draws you in from the start. The furry thing is there, but its not a used substitute for strong characterization, and even in Lukes scene, its as much about characterization as the act, and the characterization was strong enough to overpower any squick (Luke is such a slut and just I want to play more so I can find someone to love him, or at least give him some snuggles) Kano wasn't as interesting, but I am hyped for the Kobolds! Or at least I'm assuming thats what they are, but their designs look like they've come straight out of the Monster Manual so I don't think you could blame me. I'm playing a Kobold in my group right now so I'm interested in how you'll interpret them, and make them fit with this more eloquent, poetic writing style. I'm super keen to see how the management aspects play out, and to play matchmaker with the guests. Overall I was blown away by this and happy to be so.

I think its about respecting him and earning his trust more than being nice. You need to find a balance between helping him when he needs it and respecting him when he tells you he doesn't, even if he looks like he does. Let him walk on his own, and don't push it with the bath.

Hey, just letting you know that, when trying to get the bad ending on Kols route, when I select the "yes... but" option I get this error message:

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
  File "game/script_chapter8_kol.rpy", line 450, in <module>
NameError: name 'false' is not defined

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "script_chapter8_kol.rpyc", line 449, in script
  File "/Users/----/Downloads/HumanCargo", line 1626, in execute
    choice =, self.set, args, kwargs, item_arguments)
  File "/Users/-----/Downloads/HumanCargo", line 949, in menu
    condition = renpy.python.py_eval(condition)
  File "/Users/-----/Downloads/HumanCargo", line 2035, in py_eval
    return py_eval_bytecode(code, globals, locals)
  File "/Users/----/Downloads/HumanCargo", line 2028, in py_eval_bytecode
    return eval(bytecode, globals, locals)
  File "game/script_chapter8_kol.rpy", line 450, in <module>
NameError: name 'false' is not defined

Human Cargo 0.90
Mon Oct 21 20:33:56 2019

I was super excited to see that this has updated! Last I checked on it I think it was only version 60. I spent all evening going through the new routes and enjoying the new added CGs, they're all really well done and I thoroughly enjoyed all the new dialogue expansions. I really felt like the options you pick with Yoshi impacted his personality, but not so much that it completely changed him as a person, which is a fine line to walk, and it made the repeat playthrough's really enjoyable.

If I have any one thing to critique its Nasir route. I get what he's going for and that its probably not aimed at me, but, I just got the feeling he was kind of plowing over Yoshi and really pushing himself hard onto him was pretty squicky for me. It just came across as less sexy and more sexual harassment. I did warm up to him toward the end though as he was actively trying to reign himself in and respect Yoshi more, or at least he did with the options I picked. I just think having a scene where boundaries, and better yet, a safe word can be discussed earlier in the route would really make his route better. There's nothing sexier than informed consent.

That sounds bad when I type it all out, but I really just want to thank you for making this available for free. I really enjoyed the world and the characters, and I just want to see it improve. I'm super excited for Docs route, he's probably the one thats the most "me" out of all these guys and I've enjoyed thoroughly enjoyed all the others so far, especially Razixs and Zed (Noone gets poor Razixs sense of humour. I like his flirty jokes) and am eagerly anticipating more.